The principles of naturopathic medicine are part of what distinguishes the naturopathic approach to health care from the conventional approach. The following principles are the foundation of Naturopathic medical practice and are reminders to doctors of their responsibilities to their patients:
The Healing Power of Nature Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Trust in the body's inherent wisdom to heal itself when obstacles to cure are removed.
First Do No Harm Primum Non Nocere
Utilize the most natural, least invasive, and least toxic therapies first.
Find the Cause Tolle Causam
Address the underlying cause of illness rather than only treating symptoms.
Treat the Whole Person
Address not only the physical disease but also emotional, mental, social, and spiritual factors.
Focus on promoting wellness and preventing disease.
Doctor as Teacher(Docere)
Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining optimal health.The original meaning of the word “doctor” is teacher.
Reference: California Naturopathic Doctors Association